Today is the 3rd day (a.k.a. last day) of RubyKaigi 2009. Order of today's session has been changed because of speaker's machine trouble. "Ruby - The Script Language" has become after "socket library improvement".
So I attended these sessions:
N.B. These summaries may be imprecise.
- socket library improvement
- speaker: Akira Tanaka
- In Ruby 1.9.2, many improvements about socket library
- Protocol independent
- Ready for IPv6(FreeBSD handles IPv6 only!?)
- Obsolete redundant constant names, use symbol instead
- Fix strange order of arguments
- Address informations are switched from array to Addrinfo class
- TCPServer and UDPSocket were depended on protocol
- It's difficult that UDP makes independent from protocol
- Checking Interactively-Developed Code
- speaker: Andriy Hnativ
- Ruby allows the incremental development without compile and with irb
- We can focus on programming, but, we cannot feedback by error until we run program
- I made Rubin
- It runs with JRuby 1.1.2 AST only
- It prints to stdout by executing each line
- future plans
- checking codes in eval
- code completion
Q from me You say "code completion", but current JRuby(jirb_swing) can do it already. Do you mean "more improvment from current"? A from speaker Rubymine is not enough, so I make it improve with jirb - Hello World From The "Nearly" Other Side Of Earth
- speaker: Daniel Bovensiepen
- I will speak about communities on German
- I'm from Hanover, German
- Inspired by Shintaro Kakutani's LT on RubyConf08
- I belong to Hanover Ruby user group
- In German, there are many regional Ruby user group
- Hanover
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Berlin
- Munich
- Karlsruhe
- Frankfurt am Main
- Xing is most popular SNS in German, Ruby is used here in a few part
- RailsWayMagazine is published in German
- In Austria(Germany's neighbor), there is a comunity in Vienna
- We can't read Japanese, (in fact, can't display Japanese) we can't read Japanese mail lists
- So we make gapi and use it for translation Japanese mail lists with Google API
I have worried jirb session because code completion of jirb_swing is already great.

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